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  • karung kertas laminasi alumuniumfoil terbaik

Karung Kertas Laminasi Alumuniumfoil Terbaik

Update Terakhir
03 / 11 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
10000 Bungkus



Detail Karung Kertas Laminasi Alumuniumfoil Terbaik

The best aluminum paper is an aluminum sack that can load asphalt without any change in the quality of the cold asphalt in the packaging during use. PT Edpack Karunia Persada has provided the best quality cold mix asphalt bag or asphalt bag from 2013 to several production companies and asphalt supplyers in Indonesia.

Asphalt is a mixture of coarse aggregate stone, sand, fine aggregate stone, and petroleum-based asphalt cement which is widely used in various commercial and residential projects, bridge and road projects. Based on the mixing process and temperature used, asphalt can be divided into three groups, namely:

    Asphalt Hot (Hot Mix Asphalt)
    Warm Mix Asphalt
    Cold Mix Asphalt

Hot Mix Asphalt (HOT MIX ASPHALT)
The process of mixing bitumen is heated and poured at temperatures ranging from 300 to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Generally, the use of hot asphalt products is in projects around the house and on the highway, and the surrounding interstate.
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